Can Drug Addiction Be Prevented? Prevention is key when experimenting with drugs. This may sound like a cliché but it’s nevertheless true. Prevention is the best way to keep people from becoming addicted to drugs. When it comes to drug and alcohol consumption, holding the notion that “I’ll do it only once” may prove to be quite dangerous. And for those that do it the first time, it’s equally as dangerous to say “I can stop at any time.” Many people can, but those unlucky few that can’t end up with a dependence that spirals out of control. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol can lead to addiction that may ruin the physical and mental health of an individual. Staying away from drugs and alcohol is the only way to positively prevent drug addiction. The question is, how to say no to drugs? While it’s difficult to prevent someone from taking drugs, there are certain things that each one of us should remember to prevent drug addiction. Clearly, not every person that tries alcohol or drugs will become addicted to them. Many people drink alcohol socially without having a problem with it. The same goes for recreational drugs. But some people have underlying factors such as genetics, mental health disorders, and other issues, that serve as a stimulus for relying on drugs or alcohol to get them through the day. The day becomes a week, and then a month, and before they know it, they need to self-medicate to get through life. Nobody knows whether they can handle a li
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